- There are several benefits to pruning. Irregular growing habits can be corrected, it can bring in an earlier bloom period, and it can cause flower and fruit size to skyrocket. It also can aid in controlling disease and pests.
- Pruning during the period when a plant is dormant usually results in an abundance of larger shoots during the next growing season. Excess pruning should be discouraged, however, because if you over-pruning may result in the plant failing to bud at all.

- Pruning plants while they’re growing can help the plant produce a flowering wood. Pruning of roots provides an additional benefit because it helps to create a tighter rooting system. Pruning the roots can also promote more fruit growth because roots can grow awkwardly and wrap around the trunk, preventing the passage of water and other essentials.
- To capitalize on all the benefits of pruning, we will set up a pruning schedule that will maximize the growth and health of your flowers, shrubs and trees.